How Does the Church View Interfaith Marriage?

Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

  • Love & Relationships 5 Rituals to Reconnect in Your Relationship Never underestimate the power of intentional time with your partner.
  • On the other hand, there are some advantages in interfaith relationships.
  • Families and communities are, in my experience, the ones to blame here.
  • Practice love, inclusiveness and compassion for each other, and by doing so, demonstrate your faith in action.
  • Whereas 43 percent of people raised by similarly religious parents said religion was very important, only 30 percent of people raised by interfaith parents said it was very important.

Some of the concerns are specifically religious and grounded in understandings of scripture itself. And some of them are also grounded is significant research data showing the interfaith marriage in fact contributes significantly to losing people from Jewish faith, practice and culture altogether.

How Does the Church View Interfaith Marriage?

Anxiety about “continuity,” and whether American Jews’ attachment to Judaism and Jewish institutions will persist, underlies many of the conversations about officiation at interfaith weddings. While the Pew study found most American Jews marrying outside the religion, it also showed that the offspring of intermarriages have become increasingly likely to identify as Jewish in adulthood. In Indonesia, interfaith marriage is legal but culturally discouraged and some religious figures have made it their mission to help couples of different religious backgrounds get married despite societal obstacles. The risks of divorce increase for an interfaith marriage when a husband attends services more frequently or a wife has a more conservative religious outlook. The assumption here is that sharing the same religion is a shortcut to deeper unity. But praying the same words in the same order, or reading the same sacred book through and through again, or singing the same songs are not necessarily a gateway to a meaningful connection. And, as anyone in any relationship will tell you, no two people are alike.

Two other rabbis — Matalon of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, and Amichai Lau-Lavie of Lab/Shul, both in Manhattan – left the RA more recently over the issue. Matalon was asked to leave in 2018, after his synagogue engaged in a long period of study of interfaith marriage in Judaism and decided to allow its rabbis to officiate. As he notes, 80 percent of Americans age (an all-time high) reject the idea that you need shared religious beliefs to have a successful marriage. But part of the trend might also be that Americans are less religious, and less observant, than they used to be. Indonesia’s Constitution and Human Rights Commission both protect people’s right to marry whoever they choose, but mixed-faith couples often come across civil servants who block them from registering their marriage. Children of interfaith marriages are twice as likely to be brought up in the mother’s faith than the father’s. India maintains a personal law system in marriage, divorce, maintenance, adoption, and succession.

Bonni-Belle Pickard draws from her personal and professional experience to suggest ways of addressing the challenges of interfaith couples and their families. Interfaith marriage is controversial in some areas, especially disapproval of relationships between Hindus and Muslims (where in some cases non-Muslims are required to convert to complete the marriage) by conservative Muslims. Advertisements and films depicting Hindu-Muslim relationships have attracted condemnation and legal action.

Hindu-Muslim couples have experienced harassment, including posting personal details on social media. In 2020 and 2021, several Indian states with BJP governments passed laws prohibiting forced conversions, and requiring notification of intent to marry and a waiting period, and allowing anyone to object to the union. Interfaith marriages have been taken as an inherent indication of a forced conversion, despite some individuals stating they will not be converting in order to marry.

What religious affiliations do you serve?

Part II investigates the characteristics of contemporary intermarriages, based upon qualitative research in the form of in–depth interviews with 43 individuals in Christian–Jewish, Christian–Muslim, Christian–Hindu, or Christian–Buddhist marriages. Contrary to the opinions of some prominent voices in religious communities, these contemporary intermarriages are not simply forms of syncretism or secularism; they are much more complex. These couples and families are developing new approaches to religious belief, practice, and communal involvement that challenge normative ideas of what may constitute a religious marriage and family life. An era of ‘interfaith’ marriage (as distinct from ‘interreligious’ marriage) is emerging.

Marriage has become many things, including, in western society, a legal contract. Some modern young couples having children choose not to marry at all. Similarly, older couples have found that not marrying keeps financial arrangements simpler. Indeed, when the Samaritans and the Hebrews were in Babylonian captivity, they did not consider themselves of the same culture or of the same race. The decision to work together and survive seemed to give birth to emotions that brought couples together to work through custom and rite.